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Historicon Morning/Afternoon Day 1 Officially

So here you go, the photo dump from the morning and afternoon of Historicon day 1.

This was just an absolutely amazing table for an old west game called "Have Gun Will Travel".

There was all kinds of really neat things going on all throughout the table as the above photos show 😃

Now while the "mat" itself wasn't ground breaking, this 28mm game of The Alamo really caught my eye.

This was the one game that I watched the most - going back to it four separate times throughout the morning.

More Alamo photos above - there is always that one game at Historicon that grabs me and makes me want to do the same at home and it was without doubt this Alamo game. It was just epic watching as the defenses fell apart and the Mexican army began to come over the walls 😃

Some really great looking games to start the convention off. The vendor hall was just brutal on the credit card when that opened - and thinking of you Frank, I bought myself a miniature film crew to give my games even more of a Hollywood feel to them 😃

I did want to address the concerns that I wrote about last night. First, the bathrooms - now that I've walked the convention center more there is absolutely no issue with the number of bathrooms available. And absolutely no issues with cleanliness so far!!

Second was the parking - coming in I found a side entrance to the convention centre that makes it really quick and easy to get back and forth from the event to the parking garage (I've already made two trips to take purchases out to my car!). So absolutely no issue there. Coming and going has yet to happen so no report on that yet.

As always, thanks for looking!

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